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Conservation groups looking at land for new preservation finds

This is the first big infusion of cash for the Preserve in a decade.

BRUNSWICK, Maine — The acres of soft green hayfields stretch out towards the edge of the New Meadows River, with bird songs the only nearby sounds.

Woodward Point Preserve is just a few minute drive from the busy Cooks Corner retail hub, but it barely feels like the same town.

The Brunswick preserve is 80 acres that had been a cattle farm until the owners agreed to see in 2017. The Maine Coast Heritage Trust worked with the owners, the town, the Brunswick/Topsham land Trust, and the Land for Maine’s Future program to raise the money to buy and preserve the property.

“This, I would say, is a crown jewel. A beautiful piece of land here” said Tim Glidden, president of Maine Coast Heritage Trust.

He said the Trust and other conservation groups hope to preserve other similar properties, though he said it is unusual in southern Maine to have such a large open, unspoiled piece of coastal land.

Glidden, who once was director of the Land for Maine’s Future program, said MCHT will be starting active negotiations with other landowners about possible acquisitions, now that the LMF fund has been rejuvenated by the new Maine state budget.

The budget passed June 30 provides $40 million in new funding for the program over the next four years.

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