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More people are going to the library than the movies

In a recent Gallup poll, in 2019, more people went to the library than the movies. Bangor Public Library officials say it's for multiple reasons.

BANGOR, Maine — According to a recent Gallup poll, in 2019, more Americans went to the library than to the movies.

Bangor Public Library director, Ben Treat told NEWS CENTER, Maine, he thinks more people are going to libraries for many reasons.

"Libraries are great places to go for lots of different reasons," he said.

Some will go to access a computer if they don't have one, or use software they don't have access to at home. 

He also said reading is on the decline. In a study done this past fall, it found 27 percent of U.S adults haven't read a whole book in the last year.

"And that's scary, I think that books are a good thing for people to be reading," Treat said.

"When people are coming to the library it's not just to pick up a book it might be to pick up a DVD or to use the computers," he added.

Many people go to the library to bring their children to kid-friendly events.

"He likes to explore everything. He colors up there. He reads and he likes to pull everything out but he loves it," Bangor resident Katie Dee said talking about her son.

Dee herself loves being in the library but it shocked to hear the findings of this poll.

"Movies are just like that thing that people tend to do when they're looking for something to do. To go out," she said.

NEWS CENTER Maine reached out to a number of movie theatres too.

They all say numbers aren't declining here in Maine at the rate it looks like they are in other parts of the country.

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