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Center for Grieving Children Multi-Cultural Program

The Center for Grieving Children helps families through the grieving process, and that including immigrants children grieving the loss of loved one and their native countries.

PORTLAND, Maine (NEWS CENTER) -- The Center for Grieving Children runs many different programs : bereavement, tender living care, and multi-cultural program.

What all of the people taking part have in common is that they are grieving. Grieving the loss of someone close to them, an upheaval in their families due to serious illness, loss of a culture that they love in a homeland they were forced to flee. All of these are losses that turn lives upside down, and children are often least able to cope.

Yet, it also the children who, given a safe place to share and play, to connect and heal, who prove so incredibly resilient.

There are common themes of grief... experienced by people in all of the center's programs, the greatest being the sense of isolation... feeling alone in your pain.

In this story take a look at how the Center's peer support model helps them all, thru the eyes of those involved in the multi-cultural program.

For more information how to get involved, get help or donate click here.

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