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Feed Maine: Food pantry offers beacon of hope for midcoast Mainers

MCHPP serves over 10% of Brunswick's population, from meals at its soup kitchen to free groceries at its food pantry.

BRUNSWICK, Maine — In a world where plenty coexists with scarcity, organizations like Midcoast Hunger Prevention Program (MCHPP) stand as beacons of hope, striving to eradicate food insecurity. 

Many such organizations work tirelessly to ensure Maine families have access to nutritious meals. 

Midcoast Hunger Prevention serves over 10% of Brunswick's population, offering meals at its soup kitchen and free groceries at its food pantry.

"In one of the wealthiest countries in the world, it's irresponsible that we have people that go hungry. It's not necessary, and we can feed everyone," Hannah Chatalbash, the program's executive director, said. 

She said the rising cost of living is a significant driver of food insecurity.

"One of the items of the house budget that people often try to flex is their food budget, so by coming to MCHPP, they can sublimit their household budget and be able to afford their rent and medication, and improve quality of life," Chatalbash said.

Volunteers are the backbone of MCHPP's operation.

"I usually do the processing shift, but my husband actually works in the food pantry and said it was very fulfilling and distressing," said Carolyn Church, a volunteer since 2020. 

Their commitment reflects a community-driven effort to combat hunger.

"1.6 billion pounds came through this building last year, and we are happy to be able to share that with folks who need it," said Rena Pulfer, the program's events coordinator. 

From the program's 4,000 direct-to-door deliveries last year to community events, every effort contributes to its mission of ending food insecurity.

"One of the key pieces is recognizing that food is a human right, and everyone deserves healthy food access and enough to not be hungry throughout the day," Pulfer said. 

MCHPP's dedication to this principle fuels its ongoing efforts to serve over 5,000 Mainers annually.

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