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Police: 'Significant' damage to turf athletic field

Scarborough Police believe a vehicle was used to damage the synthetic field used for high school football, lacrosse, soccer and field hockey.

SCARBOROUGH, Maine — Scarborough Police are looking for those responsible for tearing up the Clifford C. Mitchell Sports Complex turf field. The synthetic turf and nearby grass have tire tread marks, and pieces were strewn across the field.

The varsity turf is home to football, soccer, lacrosse, and field hockey. Summer soccer leagues and children's soccer camps are now searching for a new area to play. The complex is typically open to the public and joggers can run the track for exercise.

"All of our outdoor sports play on this field the synthetic turf field," said Bill Reichl the Parks and Recreations Manager for Scarborough Community Services. "They are basically going to have to be cut out again, re-glued, shaved down and then the whole surface is going to have to be releveled to ensure safe play.”

The town closed the field down for safety reasons.

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