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Free gun locks available at police departments across Maine

Gun locks offered for free at Maine police departments
gun lock

PORTLAND, Maine (NEWS CENTER) - From York to Aroostook County police departments across the state are now distributing free gun trigger locks.

The goal of the program is to help families insure that all guns in the home are securely locked, especially when children are around.

A similar giveaway program was done ten years ago. At that time police across the state gave away more than 20,000 locks. The locks work with all guns, rifles to handguns, and prevent the trigger from being pulled.

Portland Police Chief Mike Sauschuck says whether you favor gun control or not, all responsible owners can agree on keeping guns safe. "In the middle there are a lot of pieces of legislation and common sense approaches that we can all get on board with. Trigger locks are one of them. Thousands of people are injured and killed every year by the unintentional accidental negligent use of firearms", he said.

You can also get a free gun lock through Maine Citizens Against Handgun Violence by visiting the website mainecitizens.org. You will also find a listing there of all participating police departments.

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