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'Maine Strong Memorial Foundation' launches to help Mainers through tragedy

The newly formed nonprofit plans to hold another softball tournament to support Lewison shooting survivors this fall and expand its outreach in the future.

AUBURN, Maine — From hockey to football to soccer to softball, sports play a vital role in the Lewiston-Auburn community.

Those games and events also helped Mainers in the area come together and heal in the wake of the tragedy last October

Just weeks after 18 Mainers lost their lives, a group organized a softball tournament to raise money for the victims' families and survivors. 

“To see everyone come together in such a short amount of time I think speaks to just the spirit and tenacity of the Lewiston community," organizer Abigail Cote said about last year's tournament.

The success of that event sparked an idea between Cote and fellow organizer Stephanie Libby.

Now, Cote is the president of the Maine Strong Memorial Foundation, which is planning another tournament this October as a way for the community to continue to support their neighbors directly affected by last year's tragedy.

“Coming out of last year’s event, we wanted to take it to the next level," she added. “We just want to make sure that people feel supported throughout their grief journey, which is something that never ends.”

This fall, the softball tournament will feature 50 teams, a kids area, local food trucks, donations from local businesses, raffle prizes, and appearances from Maine's favorite sports mascots. It be will be a two-day event held on October 12-13.

Games will be played at Pettengill Park in Auburn and the Randall Road Softball Complex in Lewiston. The fields in Auburn will soon be dedicated in honor of Tricia Asselin and Joe Walker, two of the victims of last October's tragedy. The dedication ceremony will be held at 10 a.m. on June 2.

You can register for the tournament here. Libby also works for Hammond Lumber Company, which sponsored last year's tournament, and said other sponsorship opportunities are available for the upcoming event. You can find more information here.

After raising more than $207,000 last fall, organizers have set a $350,000 goal this year.

Credit: NCM

“It was awesome to see everybody come together so quickly [last fall]," foundation vice president Stephanie Libby said. 

Moving forward, the foundation will look to support any and all Mainers dealing with unexpected tragedy.

“I think it’s important that Maine families do have some support system when something happens," Libby added. “They should be taking care of their families and taking care of their children, and we want to take that worry away."

Libby and Cote said Mainers may not hear about the grief others go through every day, so this organization can provide resources and support for people when they need it most.

“When tragedy happens, I think that’s when you really see communities come together. People come together, and you see what they’re able to do," Cote added.

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