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More than 1,600 people participate in Miles for Mills Memorial Day Weekend Race

The Travis Mills Foundation held its 13th annual Miles for Mills Memorial Day Weekend Race in Brunswick Sunday.
Credit: NCM

BRUNSWICK, Maine — The Travis Mills Foundation held its 13th annual Miles for Mills Memorial Day Weekend Race in Brunswick on Sunday.

More than 1,600 people participated in the annual 5K and newly added 10K race this year.

"Just having people come out and support us is really what drives us to know that, you know, we're doing a good thing here. The mission's going forward," Travis Mills, the organization's founder, said.

The Travis Mills Foundation supports post-9/11 recalibrated veterans and their families. 

Mills has been advocating for this mission for the past decade. He was injured in 2012 while in the middle of his third tour in Afghanistan. He lost portions of both arms and both legs from an improvised explosive device (IED).

"At the end of the day, I realize what support meant to me and what got me back to my new normal. Back on my prosthetic feet and going forward," he said. "We give these families a chance to understand that no matter what happens in life, we can push forward that you got to find your new normal and that we are here to help them recalibrate and show them that there is a path forward."

The organization has several programs to help veterans facing both physical and emotional challenges, and welcomes families at its retreat in the Belgrade Lakes Region.

"It's really powerful when somebody comes up and says 'Hey this changed the trajectory of my life for the better,'" Executive Director Heather Hemphill said.

If you're interested in learning more, including how to get involved, click here.

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