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Cold weather propane problems prompt lawmakers to intervene

Many propane customers have tanks owned by the fuel dealer and, under current law, only that dealer is allowed to fill the tanks.

AUGUSTA (NEWS CENTER Maine) — Maine fuel dealers are still trying to catch up with deliveries after the record cold this month. Now, they say there is a threat of a propane shortage, so the state legislature is trying to change a law to help propane users get the gas they need.

Many propane customers have tanks owned by the fuel dealer and, under current law, only that dealer is allowed to fill the tanks.

Sen. Bill Diamond, D-Windham, says that has caused problems during this month’s cold weather when customers ran low at the same time their dealers couldn't keep up with demand.

Sen. Diamond is trying to change the law, to allow other dealers to fill the tanks curing prolonged cold weather. "It truly is an emergency," he said Thursday.

Diamond said he has worked with fuel dealers and the governor’s office to craft a bill that would allow dealers to fill tanks they don’t own during emergency weather situations. He said it would only be by agreement between the dealers, and only for the duration of the fuel emergency.

During this month’s cold many dealers have struggled to keep up with the demand to refill tanks, and customers have reported getting very low on fuel, while dealers have sometimes been working until late at night to catch up.

But the nature of the emergency could change. Diamond and some fuel dealers say there is growing concern about a potential propane shortage, because of transportation problems in Canada, which supplies much of Maine’s propane.

"We have a propane shortage on its way quickly because of a bridge out in Canada," Diamond said. "Rail cars coming to Auburn have been delayed so there will be a shortage of propane. This is even more of an emergency than it would have been normally."

He said the bill is on a fast track, and that lawmakers hope to be able to vote on it early next week.

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